søndag 3. februar 2013

Some Basic Victorian Info

The Victorian period formally begins in 1837 (the year Victoria became Queen) and 1901 (the year of her death)  Britain managed to build a huge empire during the Victorian period. They became the richest and the most powerful country in the world. It was also a time of tremendous change in the lives of British people. People started to move from the country to the city to get a better economic. At 1837 people lived and worked at the land by 1901, most lived in towns and worked in offices, shops and factories. And town and cities got piped water, electricity and gas. The number of people living in Britain more than doubled from 16 million to 37 million, causing a huge demand for food, clothes and housing.  There was a wide devision by poor and rich. And each person was tought to know their own place. The Average year income was 44 pound a head.
The price list on food.

-          Flour – 3kg 4p
-          Oatmeal- 2 kg 2 p
-          Potatoes – 2.5 kg 1 p
-          Meat – 1 kg 5 p
-          Butter 1 kg 5 p
-          Sugar 1kg 2.5 p
-          Soap-  1 bar 2.5 p
-          Milk - 1 litre 2 p
-          Tea – 1 kg 60 p
-          Coffee 1 kg – 20 p

Victorian families mostly consisted of five to six children. The father was the head of the household and the moral  leader, he was known to bring the food to the table. He was rather strict and worked long hours.  He had complete legal control over any income earned by his wife; women were not allowed to open banking accounts; and married women were not able to conclude a contract without her husband's legal approval. These property restrictions made it difficult or impossible for a woman to leave a failed marriage.

The woman proper role was to love, honour and obey their husband, as her marriage vows stated. A wife's place in the family hierarchy was secondary to her husband, but far from being considered unimportant, a wife's duties to tend to her husband and properly raise her children were considered crucial cornerstones of social stability by the Victorians. Women seen as falling short of society's expectations were believed to be deserving of harsh criticism.

 Christmas at a rich Victorian family. It was normal to have butlers, servants, maids, cleaners and nannys.

Children that was poor was expected to work and work and work.. they were forced to work as soon as they could walk. They worked for long hours in bad conditions which many timed lead to injuries and death. They were paid very little too since they where younger.
The rich Victorian kid was usually well fed, clean and well clothed, didn't need to work, went on holidays and had expensive toys and pets like ponies.
Many Victorian boys and girls did not have the opportunity of going to school. When Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837 education was still mainly for the privileged. Rich children might have the opportunity, if their were boys. Girls had to be educated at home.

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